Monday, May 3, 2010


Endless heart-breaking thoughts…

  • the saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you
  • sometimes two people decides to be ”just friends” even if they still love each other and i often wonder why? i suppose its not the love that’s so hard to sustain… but the commitment that complicates everything…
  • just when my mind found the answers… my heart changed the question…
  • If things wr dfrent, i cud b kissing u right now. If things wr dfrent, u cud b mine somehow. But they’re not, n its ok. Coz i know dat someday… Things will b difrent anyway

A heart-breaking story..

The Ex- GF confronts her Ex-Bf..

EX-Gf: How dare u play our song on your wedding ceremony? How dare you pick my favorite color as ur motif?.. How dare u choose our anniversary date as your wedding day? How dare you look at me before u kiss your wife

The ex-GF breaks down and cry..

Ex-BF: Because thats the last and only way I could… pretend that you’re my wife.

  • I was finally getting over you, believing we were really not meant to be. I even had crushes other than you. I was walking away, with my head up high thinking I wasn’t going to fall.. But then you smiled and ruined it all.
  • the best way to heal a heart that has been broken is to kill that person who has made it happen. ~Adolf Hitler
  • One of the saddest part of life is keeping yourself busy and pushing yourself to the limit all day and when you get home..Lying in bed, You’ll discover that after all you’ve done to forget, you are still in that very same position that you’re trying to escape..

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