Monday, May 3, 2010


My wonderful day starts with a simple smile from your face,
Everytime I look at you, I feel simply amazed
For me you’re the blessing and God’s grace,
You always make me happy in your simple ways.

Hours passed and the day turned to night,
Still, I can’t take you away from my sight,
How can I fall asleep if I can’t forget the sweetest looks in your eyes?
It’s an expected thing that you’re the reason why my night becomes bright.

The night have gone and the next day came,
My whole day was never be the same,
For I was not able to see you and all I can feel is pain,
But this pain won’t stop me from loving you, again and again.

It wasn’t easy to have this emptiness in me,
Being with you is where I want to be,
You’re the reason of this sudden misery,
But then you’re the completion of my story.

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